City and Guilds TAQA Trainer Qualifications
A big well done to Michael Murray for achieving his training and assessment qualification – you did a great job!
A big well done to Michael Murray for achieving his training and assessment qualification – you did a great job!
Well done to Jason Povey for completing his assessor qualification very well deserved.
A big well done to Debra Akehurst and Paige Metcalfe for completing their level 2 qualifications in cleaning – great result. Picture of Debra with her assessor Phil.
PBC Associates is now delivering and supporting learners through the new Functional Skills syllabus and tests levels 1 and 2. If you would like to know more about these qualifications then please get in touch. We can deliver these qualifications as stand alone or as part of a apprenticeship framework and funding is available under…
PBC Associates are pleased to announce that we have again been accredited to deliver funded, formal qualification through our Skills Funding Agency contract. This runs from August 1st each year, and this is our eighth year in this programme. We are able to deliver Intermediate and Advanced Apprenticeships in most of the qualifications we offer,…
PBC Associates are pleased to announce that we have successfully been re-accredited against the Matrix standard for a further 3 years.
David Dickie receiving his Cleaning and Support Services level 2 framework certificate from his manager Lesley – well done from PBC Associates.
Tom aged 20 sent out 20 CVs without success. After his CV was re-designed he sent out 4 CVs and now has 3 interviews – good luck Tom!